Geerlofs is ISO9001 certified and demands the highest quality of its products:
- Gisopanel® has been tested for strength and stiffness by TNO
- The insulation value is guaranteed by the KOMO-Certificate
- The fire-retarding characteristics meet the American UBC 26-3 Building Code requirements
Special finish
Special attention is given to the finishing of rooms intended for the food industry, such as the fish and meat industries.
Some examples:
- 1/4 round profiles
- Curved sloping window-sills
- Sanitary kit resistant to bacteria and fungus
- Food-safe HD coating on sandwich panels
- Finishing profiles of stainless steel or enamelled aluminium etc.
In this way we meet the very specific requirements introduced by the R.V.V., H.A.C.C.P. and E.E.G.