Fresh produce! What could possibly be more beautiful than a freshly picked rose or orchid? Or tastier than freshly caught fish or just harvested sugar snap? To buy these products a consumer will go to the florist, butcher, supermarket or fish shop. Our job starts before the products reach these shops. Directly after picking, harvesting or catching. From that moment on we try to create the best possible conditions for the cooling, keeping and processing of the produce. Or, of course, to freeze it in such a way that it still has the taste of freshness after defrosting. Everything starts with knowledge of your produce. We know your tomato, potato or apple. And the difference between these. Because every fresh produce has its own recipe for storage and processing. Hence our credo ‘dedicated to freshness’.
Many disciplines are needed to realize a cold store for storage or processing of your fresh produce. The building itself: well isolated with easy to open doors. Refrigeration technology and neighboring equipment for fresh air supply and possibly ULO/CA storage. Control technique to create the optimal condition for your fresh produce. Visualization of all relevant data for audit and management purposes. But everything happens at the building site: with the right people and the right mentality to make it work. For you. Not only at handover but moreover in the years to come. Geerlofs Refrigeration offers one contact for your whole project. Engineering, assembly, mounting and maintenance under one single roof. Turn key.
Sustainable designing has several aspects:
1. Long lifespan: quality components with a long lifespan
2. Using materials that have a low impact on the environment during and after their working life: natural refrigerants such as ammonia and carbon dioxide.
3. Reduce energy consumption due to a good design
4. Reduce energy consumption during use by continuous improvements
5. Reuse heat generated by the cooling installation
6. And the biggest impact for you as fresh trader: minimize the waste of fresh produce
We would be happy to explain how we reach all of this for those companies who are our customers already.
“Money makes the world go round”. In your case it is hidden in your fresh produce, that is the world and the money. Quality and quantity make your sales and profit, so there we start. Creating the best conditions to store and process your produce. Hence our credo ‘dedicated to freshness’. Once we have this, we look at the most effective and efficient way to run your refrigeration equipment and everything around it. And of course reliability, care for the environment are prime focus points as well to reach low operational cost. And high outcome.